Monday, February 23, 2009


Is there some kind of rule in life that if one part of life is going well, then other parts therefore will not be doing quite as well? That's my life right now. I am having trouble dealing so I'm going to just list the things out that are bothering me...and those that are going well. I love writing a blog because even though it's out there for everyone to see-it still feels like a personal catharsis time for me to be able to write it all out. And lists make me feel organized. I actually started this blog post on Monday, but wasn't able to get my thoughts wrapped around it until today.

1) Friends with medical problems-I have two very dear friends that are dealing with serious medical issues. I wish that I could just have some kind of healing hand and just touch them and make them well. They are awesome people who are taking everything in the right spirit--being positive and trusting in God to provide for them, so they've been good inspirations-but seriously, God? What gives? Please take my friends' pain away.

2) Family with medical problems-my awesome Pop-Pop started chemo on Monday. He said it wasn't too bad, and so far he's not feeling any ill effects (I think it helps that the treatment is going straight into his bladder). I want my Grandparents around for a long time yet-so he has to get better, and soon!

3) Family drama-my mom's brother, the youngest of five, has had his share of problems over the years. His latest problems unfortunately affect the family-over a year ago he got into some trouble with the law and Monday he finally had to face the consequences of his actions. He was sentenced to six months jail time and now we're all trying to figure out what to do with his dog (so far my other uncle is taking her-but he's allergic), and also with his houseful of 'stuff' aka 'crap'. He rented a house down at the beach so he'll lose that while he's in jail. It's just a big mess.

4) I'm worried/excited/scared about the show I'm in. There are new layers of things that I'm concerned about with it, but I'm not sure that I'm at liberty to say what those are yet.

5) Still unemployed.

Now for the good

1) I ABSOLUTELY love the people I have met doing this show. We have been referring to ourselves as bffs (best friends forever), especially since spending most of Saturday with each other (thinking about a few people in particular). We decided last night that we're just going to keep trying out for shows as a group and insist that the directors have to take us all =)

2) My Mom and Dad-they are amazing. 'nuff said

Um..that's about all that is going well right now. I mean, I'm in pretty good shape most of the time-but sometimes things can just pile up and get you down. That's when I turn to God.

Maybe I should do that now. Yeah =)

1 comment:

Ainsley said...

So excited for you and your show. I wish I could come see you in it! You'll do SO GREAT!