Sunday, February 8, 2009

What are you focusing on?

So, while I've been unemployed I have had a lot of time alone with just me and my thoughts so this past week i decided to try and fill my week with more activity. If I have a plan for each day then I'm more likely to not be trapped alone with my thoughts. Because my thoughts aren't always good ones. Not like I'm sitting plotting things-but I get very easily discouraged when left to my own devices. So I worked one afternoon this week at a charity I sometimes work with, just doing some office work to help with their mailing list (accurate records save them money for their mail outs!). I saw a few movies...worked on a video shoot with my friend, Dave, had lunch with different friends almost every day (which i need to lay off doing that-spending too much money on food!) Anyways, in the midst of my running around last week a good friend asked me what I'd been focusing on that day. I had to stop and think about it, and I had to honestly reply-well, nothing really. Nothing worthwhile at least. So you can take that for either good or bad--good-meaning that I'm not focusing on the negative aspects of my current job situation, or bad-meaning I need to be more on the ball with getting jobs! Hanging out and meeting people for lunch and seeing movies for $5 during the day is all well and good, but I am really ready to get back into a routine. So, you know..if you hear of anything, please let me know!

Oh, and about the focusing thing-she was coming more from a spiritual aspect. And, in that realm--I'm getting by. I have faith that God will provide. He's done it before, and He'll do it again...even if I'm not sure at this point just exactly how that will be working out!

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