Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Photo found at: http://www.tvguide.com/PhotoGallery/Fat-Guys-Hot-1005918/2.aspx


Dear TV Guide Online,

A few years ago I remember reading an article in your print magazine that angered me so much that I actually tried to call in a complaint. I think I got someone from subscription services who frankly didn't know what I was talking about, but apologized anyways. The article in question at the time was something to the effect of "Fat Guys and the Wives They Don't Deserve". I let it go at the time, but then I see through the Twitter feed today that you've gone back to the easy target of 'fat people' by including a link to this gem of a photo essay (I use the term lightly): http://www.tvguide.com/PhotoGallery/Fat-Guys-Hot-1005918/1.aspx

I'm not a fat guy, but I'm a fat girl. There, I said it. I can stand to lose quite a few pounds, so can a LOT of people. So maybe I'm a little more sensitive about this, admittedly, but I still think I have a valid point. If their issue had been with the laziness of the writers involved with the show in using cliches to portray storylines, I might have let it go-but no-they merely were amazed at how these so-called 'fat guys' (I really don't think Jim Belushi should be included here, he's just solid!) were all fictionally married to these really hot wives and how they don't deserve them. Why? Apparently because they're fat. And if you're fat-apparently you're not allowed to fall in love with anyone who does not match you physically.


I've realized for some time now that overweight people are the only remaining group that it is okay to ridicule in today's so-called politically-correct world. Since when is it okay to make fun of someone for what they look like? I thought that was passe? But no, it's a double standard that will continue to prevail when articles like this nonsense continue to be published. I love TV Guide Online. I really do, I am 'friends' with Matt Webb Mitovich on Facebook and follow his updates closely on the shows that I watch, but I really find it frustrating when rubbish like this is posted.

I have already direct messaged you about my displeasure (thank you for following me on twitter, that was very convenient), but I really needed to get my feelings out in a space that holds more than 140 characters.

I've already used this term in another blog post today, but I'll say it again. Shame on you.


1 comment:

curtisraymondshideler said...

YES! You go girl! I totally agree with you. People don't deserve other people, no matter how they look or what their personality is like!

I mean, I don't deserve ANYONE or ANYTHING God chooses to give me, and I praise him every day for blessing me anyway.

Just wish the world would stop being so shallow, retarded, selfish, and Me-Centered. AND, they should stop telling people what is beautiful. Beauty IS NOT anorexia or high heels. Beauty should be defined by each person individually!

Hear that America?! I DON'T find your next "Top Model" totally hot! What are you gonna do now?!? ;)